
Cie Anoraks [Be] (ex cie Scratch)

On tour • created in 2020


Cie Anoraks [Be] (ex cie Scratch)

Juggling & friendship

“What is fragile like forest moss and can foam like a good beer.”

Mousse [foam or moss in French] is an ode to doubt. An ode to our moments of solitude, to all those things we do alone in our corner and that we don’t dare to share. Dans Mousse, il y a un micro, des balles, une craie, un jardinier, une plante, un k-way de grand-mère, France Gall et puis Barbara, des yeux ouverts, un coiffeur professionnel et un grand karaoké.

Mousse is a performance about the friendship between Gaëlle and Denis.

It’s a punk juggling show, sad and funny at the same time.


Juggler Gaëlle Coppée Technician Denis Michiels Coach Bram Dobbelaere Clowning Christine Rossignol-Dallaire Dramaturgy Gaël Santisteva Juggling tips and friendship Eric Longequel Bookings Chantal Heck – La chouette diffusion A production by cie Scratch Coproductions Latitude 50 – Pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue [BE], Centre Culturel du Brabant Wallon [BE] Residencies UP! Circus & Performing Arts [BE], Centre Culturel du Brabant Wallon [BE], Latitude 50 – Pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue [BE], Circus Centrum [BE], Festival International des arts de la rue de Chassepierre [BE], Centre Culturel du Wolubilis [BE], Centre Culturel d’Ath – CAR [BE], La Maison des Jonglages [FR], Maison de la création (CC NOH) [BE], Petit théâtre de la grande vie [BE], PERPLX [BE], Lauréat CircusNext+ (Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union), Subtopia [SE], Cirqueon [CZ] Support Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre-Danse [BE], Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles [BE], Wallonie-Bruxelles International WBI Supported by «écriture en campagne» (Latitude 50 – La Chaufferie-Acte1, la SACD et la SSA) et Cocq’Arts Festival

The company

Cie Anoraks [Be] (ex cie Scratch)

Cie Scratch was founded in 2013. The company’s universe is based on juggling, scratch, silly choreography, Belgian anticlimax and surrealism. The manipulation of objects is central to the company’s research. The artistic team of the Scratch company is composed of 9 male and 1 female juggler who work on the various creations: “T.N.T” (2013), “Split” (2017), “Mousse” (2020), “Akokiya” (2021), “Drache Nationale” (April 2023).

In 2021, Gaëlle Coppée received the SACD Prize for the author of a juggled creation in France.

Upcoming dates

24 August 2024
Cie Anoraks (ex cie Scratch)
25 August 2024
Cie Anoraks (ex cie Scratch)
15 November 2024
Cie Anoraks (ex cie Scratch)
17 November 2024
25 November 2024
10:00 & 13:30
10 December 2024
Cie Anoraks (ex cie Scratch)
21 March 2025
Cie Anoraks (ex cie Scratch)
18 April 2025
2 performances (1 school presentation et 1 for general audiences)

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