Our services
La chouette diffusion is…
- Circus generally speaking, but in actual fact, it is a circus that plays with frontiers between disciplines.
- Touring: development of professional networks, organizing consistent tours, communication about the performances, administrative monitoring…
- Production: assembling dossiers, researching grants, establishing of a schedule for residences, communication and touring strategy.
- A tailored administrative support: creating Belgian structures and managing it.
- Ongoing monitoring adapted to everyone’s needs.
- Shared ressources between young companies to have a professional and serious development.
- Listening, availability, usability, in nutshell, a friendly atmosphere! …to help companies to get off the ground.
On demand services
La chouette diffusion supports young circus companies in their professionalization and their activities. To do this, it offers several à la carte services according to the needs and skills of the teams. The agency operates on a principle of mutualisation. Thus, by sharing the work of the 4 coordinators, the artistic teams can benefit from a global, professional service that is well immersed in the circus sector.
La chouette offers personalised work in order to implement coherent development strategies that allow new projects to be structured, to grow and to work on national and international outreach, while respecting and enhancing their singularity. The final objective is to enable companies, as they create, to become independent and to set up, for those who wish to do so, a medium and long-term development project.

Member of the association Ce sont nos Métiers and La Toulousaine de Diffusion

In addition to the shows that we accompany in dissemination and production, we work with…
In administration
Gilbert & stock asbl
Gaël Santisteva: Talk-Show – Garcimore est mort
Lara Barsacq: Lost in Ballets Russes – IDA don’t cry me love – Fruit Tree – La Grande Nymphe
A nos fantômes – Plonger
Loic Faure: Homm – Clos – Père
Habeas Corpus Cie
In coaching
Le cirque du Ravi – Forent Lestage
Hanna De Vletter
Marianna Desantis
Cie Alta Gama
Cie Breaked – Suzon Gheur