Creation 2023
Hanna de Vletter [Be]
trapeze solo
DUIF[dœyf] means both dove and pigeon in Dutch: the white bird, symbol of peace and elegance, and the gray urban bird, symbol of dirt and nuisance. .
With her trapeze as a partner in the middle of the stage, Hanna shares her desire for connection and authenticity: a state between looking for something to hold on to and the space that is created when you dare to let go.
A free fall with a soft landing.
This attempt to fly – without knowing how – is an ode to sensitivity in a world where emotion and sensitivity seem to be nothing but obstacles.
Trapeze artist & creator : Hanna de Vletter outside eye: Sophie van der Vuurst de Vries (Circus Katoen), Marlène Rubinelli Giordano (cie l’MRG’ée), Mélusine Lavinet Drouet / thanks to: Birgit Haberkamp, Tamar Tarenskeen, Hans Rosinga, Elodie Doñaque, Stina Otterström / sound design: Régis Planque / light design: Pieter Kint / rigging: Joppe Wouters (Circus Marcel) / technician: Cecilia Rosso photos: Jelle Carron / bookings : Chantal Heck, La chouette diffusion coproductions : Latitude 50 – Pôle des Arts du Cirque et de la rue, circuswerkplaats Dommelhof, Grensverleggers – DeBuren, CIRKLABO, Circusstad Festival, TENT, EsacTo’Lido residencies : UP Circus & Perfoming Arts, MiraMiro, Wolubilis Centre Culturel, Centre culturel du Brabant wallon, CC Amstel, KORZO, Circus Kapel, De Grote Post
The artists
Hanna de Vletter [Be]
Born in 1991 in Nijmegen (Netherlands), Hanna de Vletter first encountered circus in a small recreational circus school. It was through circus that she also discovered her love of the stage. She trained in fixed trapeze at the Codarts Circus Arts school in Rotterdam. After graduating in 2013, she continued her training for a year at the Académie Fratellini in Paris
and for two years at the Lido circus school (now Ésacto-Lido) in Toulouse. Since 2017, she has been working as a performer with various companies in France and Belgium. Among others, she performs in the shows “Départ Flip” by Compagnie Virevolt, “DRU” by Compagnie La June, “Eymen” by Compagnie Élodie Doñaque and “La Spire” by Chloé Moglia’s Compagnie Rhizome. She also carries out educational projects at Codarts Circus Arts and at various locations in France with Compagnie Rhizome.
After years of putting other people’s ideas into practice, her first creation, DUIF, gave shape to her own ideas.